PCI Vault Logo
Payment Cards

This PCD (Payment Card Data) form makes it easy for you to collect payment card data and submitting it to PCI Vault without touching your own servers.

You can use the form by adding pcd_form.js and pcd_form.css to your page, and calling window.pcd_form() from your own javascript. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://api.pcivault.io/pcd/pcd_form.css" />
    <script src="https://api.pcivault.io/pcd/pcd_form.js"></script>
    <div id="pcd_form"></div>

    <script defer>
        window.pcd_form(document.getElementById("pcd_form"), {
            submit_secret: "your_secret_here",
            submit_url: "/v1/capture/demo",

The most PCI compliant way of using the form is by linking to one of PCI Vault's Hosted Forms with an iframe.

Form Options
(form option)

The secret associated to the capture endpoint that was created through our API.

(form option)

The capture endpoint to use. The format must be /v1/capture/{unique_endpoint_name}.

(form option)

Set this option to true to send card data to the development sandbox rather than the production system. Please note that all data on the development sandbox is made unavailable on the first of every month.

(form option)

A javascript function to call if the card was successfully submitted. The function will be invoked with two arguments.
The first argument is the result from PCI Vault in a JSON object.
The second argument will be the data that was submitted to PCI Vault. This includes sensitive data like the credit card number, be careful to not send this data to your backend.

(form option)

A javascript function to call if submission failed. The function will be invoked with two arguments.
The first argument is an object which contains the HTTP error code and the response body of the HTTP request.
The second argument will be the data that was submitted to PCI Vault. This includes sensitive data like the credit card number, be careful to not send this data to your backend.

A javascript object that will be submitted along with the payment card data. The following fields of this object may be overwritten by form input: card_number, card_holder, cvv, expiry, expiry_year, expiry_year_short, expiry_month, card_type, last_four. If extra_data is not an object, the submission behaviour will be undefined.

(form option)

Remove any and all spaces in the card number. This field only strips spaces from the card number, and no other field.

(form option)

Make this false to hide the example credit card.

(form option)

The PCD form validates the credit card number against luhn's algorithm by default. This behaviour can be switched off by setting this to true.

(form option)

Setting this option to true will disable keyboard input for the card number field. Instead, a randomised keypad will be displayed on the screen for the user to input the card number with the mouse. This is handy for preventing key-logger exploits.

A javascript object, specifying which fields to validate or display. The following keys are accepted in the object: card_number, card_holder, expiry, and cvv. Each of these keys are optional, but must have an object value with validate and/or visible as keys containing true or false as values. Unspecified, undefined, or null keys will be overridden by true values. Invisible fields will not be validated.